Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a load of......

Go on - it's April 1st isn't it? It must be - have you seen that article in the paper giving examples of the questions in the citizenship exam which immigrants have to pass before they will be considered for British citizenship? For starters, what relevance do questions such as "What percentage of Christians in the UK are Roman Catholic?" have to one's suitability to become a citizen of this country? The questions are so obscure and immaterial as to be laughable. And at least one of them is totally wrong. The question posed is "What year did women in the UK gain the right to divorce their husband", and the multiple choice answers are (a) 1810 (b) 1857 (c) 1901 (d) 1945. The correct answer is given as (b). Wrong - completely and utterly wrong! Whatever the practicalities, the law has never made any distinction between husbands and wives in as far as the basic right to bring divorce proceedings is concerned. It is true that the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 made it much easier for wives, but the idea that it gave them a right which they didn't have before is utterly false. This just happens to be a subject I know about, but it does make me wonder what other inaccuracies there might be.

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