Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Time to give the red card the red card?

I do try not to repeat myself, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to. Turned on the TV on Sunday to watch Man U v Chelsea. I support neither team and was simply looking forward to a close and entertaining match. And for just over 30 minutes, that's what I got, but then the whole thing was spoiled when a man was sent off. The fact that it was a Chelsea man, and that the decision was highly debateable was neither here nor there - it wouldn't have made any difference who it was or how clear-cut the decision was - the fact is that from that moment on, the match as a sporting spectacle was over. Given that football relies heavily on the money it gets for its TV rights, and that that in turn relies heavily on people like me paying our subcriptions to the sports channels, I think we deserve more consideration. I effectively didn't get to watch what I had paid good money to watch.

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