Friday, July 06, 2007


Article in the press about the National Archives' efforts to ensure that their data is not lost as a result of being kept in obsolete formats. I'm sure many other people apart from me can empathise with the problem. Technology moves on, and if you're not careful will leave you behind. I have a mass of photographs of my wife and myself taken just before and after we got married, but they're all on slides, which were pretty well state of the art at the time, but today it's difficult to get hold of a slide projector or slide viewer, so they are just sitting there, mouldering in their boxes. Even worse, I had some recordings of my children when they were very young, but this was on reel to reel tape, and as that was overtaken by cassettes, it became virtually impossible to get hold of a reel to reel player, unless you went way up market into professional equipment which cost an arm and a leg. So the tapes eventually got dumped, and with them the precious memories they contained. How I wish now I'd made the effort to have them transferred to another media - I'm sure it would have been possible. So learn from my mistakes!

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