Thursday, June 14, 2007


Were you as gob-smacked as I was by Tony Blair's comments about the media the other day? I've been searching my brain for a the appropriate word, but can't find it - hypocrisy is as close as I have come, but that isn't quite right. What I want is an expression which covers sticking the knife into somebody whose talents and influence you have deliberately used for your own advantage, but who now doesn't want to play anymore. There's no doubt that 24-hour news has created a situation where the air-time has to be filled with something, and scandal, gossip and comment which previously wouldn't have seen the light of day is now all grist to the mill (I have previously mentioned Bill Turnbull's exploits on "Strictly Come Dancing" featuring in BBC news bulletins), but it ill-behoves someone who has made a career out of the deliberate manipulation of the media to now start whinging because they are saying things he doesn't like. He who lives by the sword, Tony...........

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