Monday, June 18, 2007

Sword of Damocles

Although I do have a legal background, it is now somewhat out of date, and in any event, was concerned mainly with the civil law, so my understanding of police procedure and the criminal law is sketchy. The recent arrest of Michael Barrymore and two others in connection with a death at his property some years ago has therefore raised questions in my mind. Recent reports say that all three men have been "released without charge". So far, so good, but a deeper reading reveals that, although they have indeed not been charged, they have been released on police bail. So what does that mean - as far as I have been able to find out, it means that they are under a legal obligation to return for further questioning as and when required. So the Police are in fact saying "You can go, but we haven't finished with you". And it would appear that this situation can continue for as long as the Police wish it to. So where's the finality? These men are in effect in limbo, as it were, neither charged nor properly released, and to my simplistic mind that somehow doesn't seem right.

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