Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It must be difficult to keep coming up with new topics for the BBC's "Panorama" programme, but they do seem to be scrobbling about a bit lately. First it was their "investigation" into Scientology, which did little except prove the obvious - that it's based on some rather strange ideas, and that its members do not take kindly to criticism. And then we had this programme on wi-fi, where some pretty dubious science was put forward to suggest that such networks in schools present a danger to pupils. This was very much a case of "begging the question" - that is, seeking to prove that something is so by taking as your starting point that it is so, and then arguing from there. Pity, because when "Panorama" is good, it's very very good, but perhaps, rather than forcing it into a regular schedule, which they then have to fill by finding something to report on, it should be kept as an occasional programme to be aired when it has something really worth saying.

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