Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Joined up thinking.

A few weeks back, a local well-used road was closed for three weeks for re-surfacing. Not too much of a problem, because plenty of notice was given and there was a reasonable diversion available. However, what was obvious to anyone with local knowledge and half a brain was that as a result of traffic using this diversion, there would be far more cars than usual wanting to turn right at a set of traffic lights, and that this would cause major queues unless the phasing of the lights were changed, or temporary lights installed. Like I say, this was a blindingly obvious effect of setting up the diversion. So was anything done? Was it buggery! Does nobody think beyond the edge of their own desk? Is it beyond the scope of the average bureaucrat's intelligence to work out that if you do A, the result will be B, and whether or not B is your responsibility, you should at least give some thought as to whether and how it could be dealt with.

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