Monday, March 05, 2007

Identity crisis

I live in the Black Country - or do I? There seems to be no agreement about just what area that name covers, and indeed what the origin of the name is. Some say it goes back to the Middle Ages and to the fact that around what is now Dudley and West Bromwich the coal seams came to the surface, hence the ground itself would have been black, while others maintain that the name derives from the time of the Industrial Revolution, when the air was constantly black from the smoke from all the foundries and factories. And then there are those who do not want to be considered as living in the Black Country and therefore restrict its boundaries so as to exclude their address, and surprisingly perhaps, those who see a certain cachet in living there, and therefore seek to expand its boundaries so as to include their address. Where I live is certainly towards the edge, but is it in or out? I don't mind, so you can take your pick!

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