Saturday, December 23, 2006

Undecided of the West Midlands.

My filter coffee machine is starting to do strange things - I think it may be giving notice. I've been looking round for possible replacements, and being a bloke and therefore irresistibly attracted to gadgets, I've been considering one of these pod machines - you know, Tassimo, Senseo, Dolce Gusto et al. But then I keep thinking - what if the manufacturers decide in a year or so's time that the one I buy is not profitable, and to stop making them. Because you can't use ordinary coffee in them, and because one machine's pods are not compatible with any other machine (VHS and Betamax all over again!) I'd be left with a useless piece of machinery - and they're not cheap. So I'm still thinking about it, and meanwhile my filter machine continues to do strange things!

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