Sunday, October 15, 2006

Remember Raquel Welsh in a fur bikini?

My younger grandson, like most kids of his age I suppose, is heavily into dinosaurs, and I was trying to give him an idea of just how long ago it was they were around. He had the idea - probably from various films - that they co-existed with primitive man. So I came up with the concept for him of a time machine which enabled you to travel back in time at the rate of one year every second. So in just a minute or so you could be back in the middle of the Second World War. Ten minutes would take you back to the time of Chaucer - five or so minutes more to the Battle of Hastings. In just over a hour you could be watching the building of the pyramids or possibly Stonehenge. But to get back to the dawn of homo sapiens will take you getting on for five days, and to that of our earliest human ancestors the best part of two months. And the dinosaurs? What do you think? A few more days? A few more weeks? Well to get back to even the last days of the dinosaurs - the point at which they became extinct - would take a little over two years, and to the point at which they first appeared, no less than seven years! The results surprised even me, so I thought I'd share them.

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