Friday, September 29, 2006

Old wine in new bottles

I suppose, as someone staring 70 in the face, I should be all in favour of this new anti-age-discrimination legislation, but as someone who for many years ran and recruited for several offices, I can see things from both sides. There may be jobs where age doesn't matter, or even where it is a positive plus if you're looking for knowledge and experience, but if you're looking for someone for a post where you will have to invest a great deal of time and attention in training them, then you will want to try and ensure you get a good return for your efforts, and someone who may only have a few years of work left in them may not fit the bill simply because of that. There is also the question of health - older people may well be less likely than the young to take casual days off sick, but are far more likely to have long-term problems and absences, and perhaps to find certain aspects of a job too physically challenging. In my view, employers should be left to be able to choose who they consider the best person for the job, unfettered by legislation.

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