Sunday, January 15, 2006

Compare and contrast...

Top news story yesterday, today and probably tomorrow is concerned with how people on the Sex Offenders Register, and the even more restrictive "List 99", could possibly have ended up in jobs which bring them into daily contact with children. This is considered so serious that ministerial heads could well roll as a result. There may well be more to be said on this later, but did you see the programme on the BBC earlier this week about the children who were forcibly removed from their families in Rochdale back in 1990 on the basis of the completely unfounded belief of two social workers that they were being subjected to "satanic abuse". To me the most gobsmacking aspect of the whole business was that the social workers involved are still working in child protection!!! One law for sex offenders and another for - well, I can't think of a word which adequately describes them, but I'm sure you get my drift.

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