Thursday, November 17, 2005

Don't shoot the pianist.

The Child Support Agency are under fire again, with no less than the Prime Minister himself putting the knife in. Back in the mists of time, I was a Civil Servant, and was around when the CSA was being set up and they were trawling for staff. I well remember the whisper coming down from those in a position to know - "don't touch it with a bargepole - it's horribly underfunded, hopelessly understaffed, and bound to be a disaster". And knowing the Treasury, they doubtless bought in a cheapo computer system that was never going to be able to cope. Of course, those who made those decisions will never have to face the music - they'll have moved on (and probably upward) by now. No, it's the poor unfortunates who work there who will take the flak. 'Twas ever thus.

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